Well, one benefit of working with churches, is working with generous church members. We have two special ladies that have been very generous to us. One lovely lady is going to be 98 this year! She comes out every night, works in the church library every weekend after the church service, and continually brings us food. GOOD FOOD. Dates that taste like candy in your mouth; have you had a really good date before? She also brings almonds, walnuts from her 14 trees, and oranges from her trees. Yummy! The combination of dates and almonds really does taste like a candy bar, I promise you! You must try it.
The other wonderful woman is very healthy. Something I am always striving to be, but often falling short (I blame my sweet tooth!). She has sent Tyler home with chili, lasagna, split pea soup and potato rosemary rolls this week. All vegan. All very healthy. All tasting great. (Really!) You'd think I would be a little offended by this, I mean I can cook. But nope, I will take any food. I don't turn down free food. Not only does it save me time, money, and yes I hate doing dishes, but we eat healthy too. It is like having our own cook. This feels pretty good! Moving around the country working with churches does have its perks you know!
I linked this post to Heavenly Homemakers meme, Gratituesday.
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