I really wanted to share a couple of stories with you from our seminar here in Northern California. It is so exciting to see God working in people's lives.
We have one lovely Alaskan Native woman coming to our seminar. She has come faithfully and is so kind. It has been a blessing getting to know her. She was praying for something - anything - for God to intervene in her life and show Himself to her in a real way. As she was praying and walking she stepped on a piece of paper. It was the mailing postcard that was sent out - the words across the top jumped out to her - Hope For Today. When she continued to read she realized it was starting that night! As she has been attending, she realized this was exactly what she needed to reconnect with her Savior. Praise God. She is graduating from the Amazing Facts Bible School on Friday and joining the local church on Saturday.
Another man, a retired welder, received our invitation postcard in the mail. He told me that a struggle was going on inside of him. He wanted to go but didn't feel ready to turn to God yet. Being raised in a Christian home, he had wandered from the Lord. But he could feel God pulling on his heart strings. He came out with his wife and as they listened to the Bible being preached each night, and the themes of Jesus, they realized this was exactly what they needed. Now, he has connected with a retired dentist who needs help with welding. He feels whole now. He has found God again, his wife has found God, and he is doing welding, which he loves. God is so good. He will never stop chasing you when you turn from Him.
These are just two stories from our seminar. God is constantly working in the lives of our visitors. It always amazes me that He chooses us to work with Him. Who are we compared to the God of the universe? Thank you Lord for your love and for using me.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name! Psalm 100: 4 (ESV)
This post has been linked to the meme, Thankful Thursday. This meme is hosted by Spiritually Unequal Marriage for the month of April.
I love hearing stories like these, thanks for sharing. Praise the Lord!
That is so exciting! Thank you for sharing, it is always encouraging to hear how God is working and humbling when you recognize you are doing exactly what He wants you to do.
WOW! This is so neat to read! It is amazing how God draws us - different places and different times and different hearts. I'm so thankful He loves me. :)
PS Thanks for visiting! This will be my first blog hop to actually do a post (I think, maybe I did do that last year can't remember) :)
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